︎︎Jenn Mong

pianist, improviser, educator︎︎


February 15th, Jeunesses Musicales, Montréal QC: Duo piano and violin performance with Sonia Hellenbrand 


November 4, La Sala Rossa, Montréal QC: Solo piano and electronics performance, Soirée bénéfice pour la Palestine et le Liban en musique et en mots

October 17, Casa del Popolo, Montréal QC: Duo piano and cello performance with Audréanne Filion, presented by Supermusique

October 7-11, Maison de la Culture Pointe-aux-trembles, QC: Residency for interdisciplinary theatre work “Yverne”

September 20, Centre de musique canadienne au Québec, Montréal QC: Solo performance presented by Rhythm is Image

July 16, Bannerman Brewing, St. John’s NL: Solo piano and electronics performance presented by Sound Symposium Festival

June 22, Studio Dissonances, Montréal QC: “Transformations in Concert”, chamber music recital 

June 21, Casa del Popolo, Montréal QC: Performer in Mardi Spaghetti Marathon presented by Suoni Per Il Popolo Festival

June 9, Segal Centre, Montréal QC: Performer in “Margaret’s Aria”, presented by the Jewish Arts Mentorship

April 21, Constellation, Chicago IL: “Tri-centric Experiencers Unit”, trio and septet performances of Anthony Braxton’s music

March 26, Casa Obscura, Montréal QC: “Fantômes dans la machine”, voice and piano recital presented by Collectif Radiance

February 2, Tranzac Club, Toronto ON: Solo piano and electronics

January 26 & 28, Mai/son MTL & Fondation LRDG, Montréal QC: “Meditations on Solitude”, a night of chamber music by Tōru Takemitsu


December 29, Singers, Brooklyn NY: Solo piano and live electronics

November 3 - 5, Theâtre Aux Ecuries, Montréal QC: La Serre Arts Vivants residency

August 4 - 19, Darmstadt, Germany: Chamber and solo performances at Internationalen Musikinstitut Darmstadt

June 24 - 30, Ent Centre for the Arts, Colorado Springs, CO: Chamber and solo performances at the Summer Institute for Contemporary Performance Practice

May 27, Conservatoire de Musique de Montréal QC: Pianist in premiere of opera Naissances

May 12, Paroisse Saint-Edouard, Montréal QC: Solo improvisation with live electronics

April 30, Pollack Hall, Montréal QC: Solo Masters recital

March 31, Christ Church Cathedral, Montréal QC: Solo performance with Collectif Radiance


December 7, Living Gallery, Brooklyn NY: Ensemble improvisation with live electronics and video art

July 26 - August 4, Brandeis University, Waltham MA: Chamber and solo performances at the Composers Conference

June 11-26, DiMenna Centre, Manhattan NY: Chamber and solo performances at Yarn/Wire Institute 

May 10, Pollack Hall, Montréal QC: Solo Masters recital